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to take no interest in

  • 1 take an interest

    (to be interested: I take a great interest in everything they do.) interessar-se por

    English-Portuguese dictionary > take an interest

  • 2 take an interest

    (to be interested: I take a great interest in everything they do.) interessar-se em

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > take an interest

  • 3 to take no interest in

    to take no interest in
    não interessar-se por.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to take no interest in

  • 4 interest

    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) interesse
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) interesse
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.) juro
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) acções
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) sociedade
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) interessar
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) interessar
    - interesting
    - interestingly
    - in one's own interest
    - in one's interest
    - in the interests of
    - in the interest of
    - lose interest
    - take an interest
    * * *
    ['intrist] n 1 interesse, atração. he showed a great interest for my case / ele demonstrou grande interesse pelo meu caso. the book has lost all interest for me / o livro não me atrai mais. 2 Com ação, parte, porção. 3 coisa que interessa. 4 sociedade. 5 vantagem, benefício (próprio). 6 força (moral), influência, importância. he has no interest in the town / ele não possui influência na cidade. it is only of small interest to know / é de somenos importância saber. 7 Econ juros. he cannot pay the interest on the capital / ele não pode pagar os juros sobre o capital. he lends at interest / ele empresta dinheiro a juros. 8 Com lucro. • vt 1 interessar, atrair, cativar. 2 importar, concernir, atingir, comover. I interest myself in eu me interesso por. in my (your) interest em meu (seu) interesse. in the interest of em benefício de. the landed interest os latifundiários. to be interested in estar interessado em. to have someone’s interests at heart importar-se com alguém, tentar ajudar alguém. to take no interest in não interessar-se por.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > interest

  • 5 interest

    ['intrəst, ]( American[) 'intərist] 1. noun
    1) (curiosity; attention: That newspaper story is bound to arouse interest.) interesse
    2) (a matter, activity etc that is of special concern to one: Gardening is one of my main interests.) interesse
    3) (money paid in return for borrowing a usually large sum of money: The (rate of) interest on this loan is eight per cent; ( also adjective) the interest rate.) juro
    4) ((a share in the ownership of) a business firm etc: He bought an interest in the night-club.) participação
    5) (a group of connected businesses which act together to their own advantage: I suspect that the scheme will be opposed by the banking interest (= all the banks acting together).) grupo de interesses
    2. verb
    1) (to arouse the curiosity and attention of; to be of importance or concern to: Political arguments don't interest me at all.) interessar
    2) ((with in) to persuade to do, buy etc: Can I interest you in (buying) this dictionary?) interessar
    - interesting - interestingly - in one's own interest - in one's interest - in the interests of - in the interest of - lose interest - take an interest

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > interest

  • 6 self-centred

    (interested only in one's own affairs; selfish: She's too self-centred to take any interest in my troubles.) egoísta

    English-Portuguese dictionary > self-centred

  • 7 self-centred

    (interested only in one's own affairs; selfish: She's too self-centred to take any interest in my troubles.) egocêntrico

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > self-centred

  • 8 fancy

    ['fænsi] 1. plural - fancies; noun
    1) (a sudden (often unexpected) liking or desire: The child had many peculiar fancies.) capricho
    2) (the power of the mind to imagine things: She had a tendency to indulge in flights of fancy.) fantasia
    3) (something imagined: He had a sudden fancy that he could see Spring approaching.) fantasia/noção
    2. adjective
    (decorated; not plain: fancy cakes.) decorado
    3. verb
    1) (to like the idea of having or doing something: I fancy a cup of tea.) desejar/apetecer
    2) (to think or have a certain feeling or impression (that): I fancied (that) you were angry.) imaginar
    3) (to have strong sexual interest in (a person): He fancies her a lot.) ter um fraco por
    - fancifully
    - fancy dress
    - take a fancy to
    - take one's fancy
    * * *
    [f'ænsi] n 1 fantasia: a) imaginação. b) obra de imaginação. c) idéia, concepção, pensamento, parecer, opinião. d) noção, suposição, ilusão, imagem mental, idéia visionária. e) capricho, extravagância, veneta, desejo singular, gosto passageiro. f) gosto pessoal, vontade, preferência, arbítrio. g) idéia fixa, obsessão. 2 inclinação, afeição, simpatia. 3 passatempo favorito, mania. 4 the fancy a) coll os aficionados de um esporte. b) criação seleta de animais. • vt+vi 1 imaginar, fantasiar, planejar na fantasia, figurar, formar uma idéia. she fancied herself to be ill / ela cismou que estava doente. 2 julgar, reputar, crer, não saber com certeza, supor. I fancied her to be my friend / eu achava que ela fosse minha amiga. 3 querer, gostar, agradar-se. he fancies his game / ele gosta muito do seu jogo. 4 criar ou cultivar selecionando certas características. 5 desejar ter ou fazer. 6 desejar sexualmente. • adj 1 caprichoso. 2 ornamental, de fantasia. 3 extravagante, exorbitante. 4 de qualidade especial. 5 de grande habilidade ou graça. 6 Com luxuoso, caro, de bom gosto. just fancy that! imagine só! something that tickles one’s fancy algo que atrai. to take someone’s fancy cair nas graças de alguém.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > fancy

  • 9 lie

    I 1. noun
    (a false statement made with the intention of deceiving: It would be a lie to say I knew, because I didn't.) mentira
    2. verb
    (to say etc something which is not true, with the intention of deceiving: There's no point in asking her - she'll just lie about it.) mentir
    II present participle - lying; verb
    1) (to be in or take a more or less flat position: She went into the bedroom and lay on the bed; The book was lying in the hall.) jogar-se
    2) (to be situated; to be in a particular place etc: The farm lay three miles from the sea; His interest lies in farming.) ficar
    3) (to remain in a certain state: The shop is lying empty now.) ficar
    4) ((with in) (of feelings, impressions etc) to be caused by or contained in: His charm lies in his honesty.) estar
    - lie down
    - lie in
    - lie in wait for
    - lie in wait
    - lie low
    - lie with
    - take lying down
    * * *
    [lai] n mentira, falsidade. • vt+vi 1 mentir. 2 conseguir algo por meio de mentiras. an out-and-out lie uma mentira deslavada. to give one the lie acusar alguém de mentir. to give the lie to desmentir. white lie mentira inocente, mentira justificável.
    [lai] n 1 posição ou estado em que se encontra determinado objeto ou pessoa. 2 antro, covil, toca (de animais). the lie of the land fig estado de coisas.
    [lai] vt+vi (ps lay, pp lain, pres p lying) 1 jazer. 2 deitar-se, estar deitado. 3 repousar. 4 encontrar-se. two villages lie along the river / duas aldeias rodeiam as margens do rio. 5 existir. 6 alojar-se. 7 dormir. 8 ficar. to lie about viver na ociosidade, vadiar. to lie at one’s heart ser fonte de preocupações ou cuidados. to lie behind ser a razão (oculta para algo). to lie by a) estar ou ficar perto de. b) descansar. c) permanecer sem uso. to lie down a) deitar-se. b) submeter-se. to lie down on the job fazer corpo mole no trabalho. to lie hard/ heavy on oprimir, tornar-se um peso. to lie idle ficar à toa. to lie in the way ser um obstáculo ou impedimento. to lie in wait ficar de emboscada. to lie low esconder-se, ficar na moita. to lie off ficar longe do cais (navio). to lie on one’s hands permanecer sem ser vendida (mercadoria). to lie on/ upon depender de alguém. to lie over adiar, postergar. to lie to Naut estar à capa. to lie under estar exposto a, oprimido. to lie up a) esconder-se, recolher-se. b) ficar de cama. c) ir para o estaleiro (navio). to lie with a) arch manter relações sexuais com alguém. b) ter responsabilidade. to take something lying down sofrer sem reagir, submeter-se.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lie

  • 10 stock

    [stok] 1. noun
    1) ((often in plural) a store of goods in a shop, warehouse etc: Buy while stocks last!; The tools you require are in / out of stock (= available / not available).) fornecimento
    2) (a supply of something: We bought a large stock of food for the camping trip.) fornecimento
    3) (farm animals: He would like to purchase more (live) stock.) gado
    4) ((often in plural) money lent to the government or to a business company at a fixed interest: government stock; He has $20,000 in stocks and shares.) acçOes
    5) (liquid obtained by boiling meat, bones etc and used for making soup etc.) caldo
    6) (the handle of a whip, rifle etc.) cabo
    2. adjective
    (common; usual: stock sizes of shoes.) vulgar
    3. verb
    1) (to keep a supply of for sale: Does this shop stock writing-paper?) vender
    2) (to supply (a shop, farm etc) with goods, animals etc: He cannot afford to stock his farm.) abastecer
    - stocks
    - stockbroker
    - stock exchange
    - stock market
    - stockpile
    4. verb
    (to accumulate (a supply of this sort).) armazenar
    - stock-taking
    - stock up
    - take stock
    * * *
    [stɔk] n 1 estoque, sortimento, fundo, mercadoria, inventário. 2 suprimento, reserva, coleção. 3 gado, animais de fazenda. 4 capital, apólices, ações. 5 fundo público, subscrição pública. 6 linhagem, raça, família, origem, descendência. 7 suporte, cabo, coronha. 8 matéria-prima. 9 Cook caldo (de carne ou de peixe). 10 Theat várias peças apresentadas por uma companhia em um só teatro. 11 coisa ou pessoa estúpida, pateta. 12 alvo de ridicularização. 13 tora, tronco, haste. 14 stocks a) Naut picadeiros de carreira. b) tronco: armação de madeira com furos nos quais se prendiam as pernas e os braços de condenados. 15 Bot cavalo (de enxerto), planta que fornece olhos para enxerto. 16 bloco, cepo, base de madeira. 17 assentador para bigorna. 18 cubo de roda. 19 Zool colônia de corais, colméia. 20 Bot (também stock gillyflower) goiveiro. 21 Bot rizoma. 22 espécie de gravata larga e alta. 23 stocks meias curtas, soquetes. • vt+vi 1 pôr em estoque, estocar, armazenar, suprir. 2 acumular, prover. 3 manter em estoque. 4 abastecer, suprir. 5 prover-se. 6 colocar cabo ou coronha. 7 prover de gado, soltar animais para criação. 8 lançar rebentos novos. 9 brotar, ramificar-se. 10 cultivar, plantar. • adj 1 mantido em estoque. 2 de uso corrente. 3 relativo ao gado. 4 relativo ao estoque. 5 comum, ordinário, normal. a stock of knowledge um tesouro de conhecimentos. floating stock capital em circulação. live stock gado, rebanho. on the stocks em depósito, em construção (diz-se de navios). out of stock em falta, esgotado. stock and block tudo, o total. stock in bank capital depositado em banco. stock phrase lugar-comum. stock piece peça de grande atração. stocks and shares ações, bônus. stock size tamanho normal. stocks payable in foreign standard fundos em moeda estrangeira. to have in stock ter em estoque. to put stock in valorizar. to stock up abastecer de, suprir com. to stock up with abastecer-se de. to take stock a) inventariar, fazer balanço ou inventário. b) fig considerar, avaliar. to take stock in Com comprar ações.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stock

  • 11 field

    [fi:ld] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of land enclosed for growing crops, keeping animals etc: Our house is surrounded by fields.) campo
    2) (a wide area: playing fields (= an area for games, sports etc).) campo de jogos
    3) (a piece of land etc where minerals or other natural resources are found: an oil-field; a coalfield.) jazida
    4) (an area of knowledge, interest, study etc: in the fields of literature/economic development; her main fields of interest.) campo
    5) (an area affected, covered or included by something: a magnetic field; in his field of vision.) campo
    6) (an area of battle: the field of Waterloo; ( also adjective) a field-gun.) campo
    2. verb
    ((in cricket, basketball etc) to catch (the ball) and return it.) interceptar a bola
    - fieldwork
    * * *
    [fi:ld] n 1 campo. 2 esfera de ação. the whole field of history / todo o domínio da história. 3 campo de batalha. 4 campo (esportes). he beat his enemies off the field / ele derrotou seus inimigos. 5 raio visual. 6 competidores ou equipes de uma competição esportiva. 7 jazida • vt+vi 1 apanhar ou parar a bola. 2 coll receber e responder, dar conta de. • adj de campo, de campanha. air field campo de aviação. coal field jazida de carvão. diamond field jazida de diamantes. field of action campo de ação. field of battle campo de batalha. field of fire área sob fogo de artilharia. field of honour 1 local de duelo. 2 campo de batalha. field of vision campo de visão. in the field na frente, no campo de batalha, fig em competição. magnetic field campo magnético. mine fields terrenos infestados de minas. to hold the field permanecer invicto. to take the field entrar em campanha ou em campo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > field

  • 12 fancy

    ['fænsi] 1. plural - fancies; noun
    1) (a sudden (often unexpected) liking or desire: The child had many peculiar fancies.) capricho
    2) (the power of the mind to imagine things: She had a tendency to indulge in flights of fancy.) fantasia
    3) (something imagined: He had a sudden fancy that he could see Spring approaching.) fantasia
    2. adjective
    (decorated; not plain: fancy cakes.) enfeitado
    3. verb
    1) (to like the idea of having or doing something: I fancy a cup of tea.) ter vontade de
    2) (to think or have a certain feeling or impression (that): I fancied (that) you were angry.) supor
    3) (to have strong sexual interest in (a person): He fancies her a lot.) desejar
    - fancifully - fancy dress - take a fancy to - take one's fancy

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > fancy

  • 13 lie

    I 1. noun
    (a false statement made with the intention of deceiving: It would be a lie to say I knew, because I didn't.) mentira
    2. verb
    (to say etc something which is not true, with the intention of deceiving: There's no point in asking her - she'll just lie about it.) mentir
    II present participle - lying; verb
    1) (to be in or take a more or less flat position: She went into the bedroom and lay on the bed; The book was lying in the hall.) deitar
    2) (to be situated; to be in a particular place etc: The farm lay three miles from the sea; His interest lies in farming.) situar-se
    3) (to remain in a certain state: The shop is lying empty now.) ficar
    4) ((with in) (of feelings, impressions etc) to be caused by or contained in: His charm lies in his honesty.) estar
    - lie down - lie in - lie in wait for - lie in wait - lie low - lie with - take lying down

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lie

  • 14 find

    1. past tense, past participle - found; verb
    1) (to come upon or meet with accidentally or after searching: Look what I've found!) encontrar
    2) (to discover: I found that I couldn't do the work.) descobrir
    3) (to consider; to think (something) to be: I found the British weather very cold.) achar
    2. noun
    (something found, especially something of value or interest: That old book is quite a find!) achado
    - find out
    * * *
    [faind] n achado, descoberta. • vt+vi (ps e pp found) 1 achar, encontrar. I find no meaning in it / não descubro sentido nisso. he was found competent / ele foi reconhecido competente. I found no time to do it / não me sobrou tempo para fazê-lo. 2 descobrir, verificar, perceber, notar, constatar. I find it impossible / vejo que é impossível. I find this climate agreeable / acho este clima agradável. he was found out fibbing / pegaram-no numa mentira. 3 julgar. I find it hard to believe / acho difícil acreditar. 4 Jur declarar, pronunciar, decidir. the jury found him not guilty, found that he was not guilty / os jurados absolveram-no. 5 fornecer, prover, suprir. the money cannot be found / não é possível arranjar o dinheiro. 6 aprovar, desaprovar. 7 tirar vantagens. 8 entrar em, penetrar em. 9 resolver, decifrar, desmascarar. take me as you find me aceite-me como sou. to find amiss desaprovar. to find fault with repreender. to find for favorecer alguém durante um julgamento. to find one’s account in tirar vantagens de. to find oneself descobrir suas capacidades. to find one’s way to achar o caminho de. to find out descobrir, decifrar, desmascarar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > find

  • 15 godfather

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) padrinho
    * * *
    [g'ɔdfa:ðə] n padrinho (de batismo). to stand godfather ser padrinho.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > godfather

  • 16 godmother

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) padrinho
    * * *
    [g'ɔdm∧ðə] n madrinha (de batismo).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > godmother

  • 17 godparent

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) padrinho
    * * *
    [g'ɔdpɛərənt] n padrinho ou madrinha.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > godparent

  • 18 godfather

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) padrinho/madrinha

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > godfather

  • 19 godmother

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) padrinho/madrinha

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > godmother

  • 20 godparent

    nouns (a person who, at a child's baptism, promises to take an active interest in its welfare.) padrinho/madrinha

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > godparent

См. также в других словарях:

  • take an interest in — index participate Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • take no interest — index disregard Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • take little interest in the opposite sex —    to be a homosexual    The case of the British naval spy Vassall highlighted the danger of using euphemism instead of direct speech. One of Vassall s referees, when he was being considered for a job which involved access to secret material,… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • take an interest in — become curious about a certain topic, wanting to know more about something …   English contemporary dictionary

  • interest one's self — Take an interest, feel an interest, be engaged, be concerned …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • interest — I UK [ˈɪntrəst] / US noun Word forms interest : singular interest plural interests *** Get it right: interest: When the noun interest means a feeling of wanting to know more about something , it is followed by the preposition in, not for: Wrong:… …   English dictionary

  • interest — in|ter|est1 [ ıntrəst ] noun *** ▸ 1 a need to know ▸ 2 activity you enjoy doing ▸ 3 money paid/received ▸ 4 quality attracting you ▸ 5 advantage/benefit ▸ 6 connection affecting someone ▸ 7 right to own part of something ▸ 8 group with same aim… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • take — take1 [ teık ] (past tense took [ tuk ] ; past participle tak|en [ teıkən ] ) verb *** ▸ 1 move something/someone ▸ 2 cause someone/something to move ▸ 3 perform action ▸ 4 need something ▸ 5 accept ▸ 6 win prize/election ▸ 7 reach out and get ▸… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • interest — the cost of borrowing money. Glossary of Business Terms What is paid to a lender for the use of his money and includes compensation to the lender for three factors: 1) Time value of money (lender s rate) the value of today s dollar is more than… …   Financial and business terms

  • Interest — The price paid for borrowing money. It is expressed as a percentage rate over a period of time and reflects the rate of exchange of present consumption for future consumption. Also, a share or title in property. The New York Times Financial… …   Financial and business terms

  • interest — I n. concern curiosity 1) to arouse, generate, pique, stir up; revive interest (in) 2) to hold smb. s interest 3) to demonstrate, display, evince, manifest, show interest 4) to express; take an interest in (she took a keen interest in the… …   Combinatory dictionary

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